Croxley Danes Students Tackle Home-learning by Nour B, Year 8
It has been a busy few weeks for Years 7 and 8 after a restful holiday break, timetables are back and meetings on Microsoft teams have been arranged. It has been quite a week for me where I have enjoyed, yet also faced the challenges, of remote learning.
Starting on Tuesday, the meetings we would need to attend were set up and arranged in advance, we were also notified of anything that had been cancelled or postponed. In my opinion, the system is very organised and helpful in ensuring a student is punctual for their lessons. Our day is organised as if we were at school, the day starts and ends at the same time, with form tutor meetings every fortnight which is very handy and nice, it’s good to be back in a routine.
I have had to overcome challenges of studying remotely which have led me to gain useful skills such as being independent and resilient when it comes to finishing set tasks. It has definitely made me much more organised in attending meetings and completing work.
Something really positive about this lockdown, which I think the school has massively improved on, is that it is exactly like learning in person. We still have tests, homework and still communicate with teachers which I think is really important so learning is not disrupted in these tough times.
In my personal opinion, I have realised I am much more capable at being independent, have skills and talents I did not know I had before and have improved at subjects which I found difficult by putting more effort into them during my free time. I have also connected with my family more due to studying from home and have been more helpful around the house when having breaks during the school day. Although I do really wish that we are at school, learning in person and communicating with friends, I really appreciate what the school has done for me in these hard times. I feel really supported by school so that my learning stays to a consistently high standard. I truly wish and hope these difficult times are over shortly and that we are able to get back to school soon.