World Book Day 2021
World Book Day this year at Croxley Danes School began with an inspiring whole school assembly entitled 'Can One Book Change Your life?'. Mr Evans, Subject Lead for Music, created an incredible short film describing how the work of author JRR Tolkien, and more specifically, The Lord of the Rings book trilogy, has shaped his life in school, through university and into becoming a music teacher. Key Stage Three Students went on to enjoy two periods of activities off timetable to celebrate books and read for pleasure. Mrs Rovira, the school's librarian, had best-selling authors Tom Palmer and Tamsin Winter to virtually 'visit' the school and answer questions from the students. Both authors shared their writing journeys from school pupils to published authors, highlighting the resilience and determination they needed in order to fulfil their dreams of seeing their books in print.
During period 2, students listened to a range of teachers from across the school who shared books that had impacted their lives and that they wanted to recommend. At the start of each lesson throughout the day, Year 10 students heard from teachers with stories to share. A range of competitions opened for students and we are looking forward to seeing the entries come into school as face-to-face teaching resumes. Overall, it was a thoroughly enjoyable day had by everyone involved.
Mr Evans’ short film can be viewed here.