
    Celebrating Earth Day at Croxley Danes

    This week at Croxley Danes we celebrated Earth Day, a day where people worldwide pay special attention to our natural environment and how human behaviours are negatively impacting environmental health. Below is an article written by students from our People and Planet group about what they did to mark the occasion.

    On Earth Day, Monday  22nd of April, some students from the People and Planet group attended the Eco Youth Forum which took place at Harvey Road School. We discussed and raised the issues of the people vs plastic theme of this year’s Earth Day. Together, we and the four other schools came up with ideas on how to use less plastic in our day to day lives. We also raised a plastic art competition for schools around Croxley and the best pieces of Art will be displayed. As well as this, together we and the four schools started to put forward a project to create a piece of art based on plastic and how it is affecting our planet. 

    Additionally, Croxley Danes hosted an evening screening of the documentary, ‘Plastic Warriors’. It was very successful and lots of people from around our local community attended. This inspiring film informed us about shocking facts of how plastic is affecting our marine life and ourselves. One example that we found extremely interesting was that, on average, humans consume a credit card of microplastics a week! 

    Furthermore, anyone that brought in a reusable water bottle for earth day, was awarded a merit and a raffle ticket for the earth day raffle. Overall, we celebrated an enjoyable Earth Day and learnt a lot about oncoming problems that plastic is causing around our planet.


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