Our Governance
Croxley Danes School is part of the Danes Educational Trust - a multi-academy trust set up by St Clement Danes School in June 2016. Each school in the Trust has its own School Board which reports to the Danes Educational Trust Board. Parent governors are elected by the parents at the school, staff governors are elected by the staff at the school and all other governors are appointed by the Trust. Details of the CDS Governors can be found below.
The Trust's Members and Trustees, together with the Scheme of Delegation and Terms of Reference for each School Board can be found by following this link.
Croxley Danes School is currently seeking new co-opted governors from the local community to join our School Board. We are proactively planning for succession and looking for individuals with the time and skills to support the school. For more information, please visit our Governor Recruitment page.
Judith Thorn - Chair of Governors
Judith has a BA (Hons) in Business and Biomedical Science and her background is in the pharmaceutical industry. She has supported Croxley Danes since its earliest days and has one daughter who was in the first cohort of students in September 2017. Judith became a Governor at Croxley Danes School in November 2017. She was Vice Chair of the School Board from September 2018 until July 2022, when she stepped up to the role of Chair. She was a founding member of the CDS Parent Association, actively working as a Committee Member & Trustee for 4.5 years, and also has experience as an Examinations Invigilator at another local secondary school.
To contact the Chair of Governors, please email: governors@croxleydanes.herts.sch.uk
Carla Watson - Vice Chair of Governors
Carla works for BP in the role of Trading Operations Team Leader, Naphtha and LPG. Carla lives in Croxley Green and is a parent of twins who were students at Croxley Danes. Her role as a governor of the School Board is enhanced by her skills in team leading, decision-making, negotiation and problem solving within a commercial environment. She also has excellent community links and understands the need to have a strong leadership team within the local governing body.
Thomas McKinnon
Tom has a first-class BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Science and a PhD from Imperial College in molecular haematology. He is currently a senior lecturer at Imperial College and runs an international research group investigating mechanisms of thrombosis and haemostasis. He also leads an MSc in Molecular Medicine and has extensive experience with higher level education. Tom has a daughter in Year 9 at Croxley Danes. Tom is hoping to bring his experience with University education and scientific links to aid the progression of the school.
Ian Casselton
Ian is Director of Physical & Digital Integration within the E&F Directorate at Kings College, London, having previously served in many roles in the IT Directorate. His experience delivering projects involving main contractors and leading a programme refurbishing audio visual equipment across the College was invaluable to the School Board during the early stages of Croxley Danes’ existence. Ian is also a parent at the school who has followed Croxley Danes’ development with interest over the years. He continues to support the school as a governor, in particular as link governor for staff liaison, and oracy.
Katie Llewellyn
Katie is parent to three students who have attended Croxley Danes School, with one child currently in Year 9. She is Head of the History Department at a local school where she is a member of the Senior Management Team and is responsible for the Eco Council. Katie volunteers for CPAS, attends St Luke's Church in Watford and enjoys singing in a choir, reading and Park Run.
Hannah Michaelis
Hannah is a Solicitor at a firm in North-West London, specialising in Residential Property and Private Client work. She grew up in Hertfordshire and lives in Watford. Hannah hopes to bring her analytical and good communication skills to the governor role and looks forward to joining the Croxley Danes School Board.
Rajeshree Bhatt
Rajeshree has a BSc and PhD in Physics from Imperial College and a MBA from Warwick University. She worked in IT consultancy in the financial services sector for several years before changing career to teaching. She has been teaching Physics for fourteen years in state and independent schools both in the UK and abroad. In 2021, she joined Croxley Danes School where she is the Subject Lead for Physics and Assessment Coordinator.