16-19 Bursary
What is the 16-19 Bursary Fund?
The 16-19 Bursary Fund is financial support for Sixth Form students, made available from the government through its funding body, Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to provide assistance to students aged 16 to 19 whose access to education or completion of education is inhibited by financial constraints or barriers.
There are two types of 16 to 19 bursaries:
● bursaries for defined vulnerable groups.
● discretionary bursaries which institutions award using policies they set, in line with these funding rules.
Who can apply?
Students following government funded full time or part-time courses at Croxley Danes school, who are over 16 years and under 19 years of age on 31/08/2024 and who meet the criteria.
How will Croxley Danes School assess applications and allocate 16-19 Bursary funding?
The 16-19 Bursary Fund is a limited fund and the school will prioritise allocation. There are three priority groups:
● High Priority Students: Defined Vulnerable Groups
● Medium Priority Students: Part of the discretionary funds which come into school will be allocated to Medium Priority students before remaining funds are released for low priority students.
● Low Priority Students: When funds have been allocated to Medium Priority Students, a portion of the remaining funds will be allocated to Low Priority students.
Defined Vulnerable Groups
High Priority Students
Students who meet the criteria, and who have a financial need, can apply for a bursary for vulnerable groups. The defined groups reflect that these students are unlikely to be receiving financial assistance from parents or carers, so may need a greater level of support to enable them to continue to participate.
● in care
● care leavers
● receiving Universal Credit (UC), in their own name because they are financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or partner.
If you think you are eligible for this bursary, please make an appointment to see the Director of Sixth Form Studies ASAP. The funding for this group of learners is held centrally by the Learner Support Service and can be drawn down by the school on demand if the eligibility criteria are met. Evidence will be required.
Discretionary Bursaries
Discretionary bursaries make sure that funding reaches those students who are most in need of financial support. This is mostly based on household income, including any benefits.
All students applying for the Medium and Low priority funding need to complete an application form for both the learner and the parent/carer accompanied by the appropriate documentation by 30th September. Applications and any subsequent allocation of funds are run through the Bursary 16+ software package available at: https://cdsbursary.applicaa.com/1
Medium priority group
In keeping with current practice for financial support for school activities, Croxley Danes School may provide discretionary 16-19 bursaries to support students who are in receipt of free school meals and whose parents are entitled to means tested state benefits, such as:
● Universal Credit
● Income support / Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance
● Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
● Child Tax Credit with a taxable income of no more than £16,190 and not in receipt of Working Tax Credit
● Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit)
● Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
● Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after employment finishes or after you start to work less than 16 hours per week.
Parents who are in receipt of any of the above benefits must register for Free School Meals in order that the student can qualify for the bursary. Parents/Carers must apply for free school meals online at: www.hertsdirect.org/freeschoolmeals
Payments will be subject to review by the Director of Sixth Form and the Senior and Lead Finance Officer as mentioned above. If you think you are eligible for this bursary, please complete the application form at https://cdsbursary.applicaa.com/1
Low priority group
In keeping with current practice for financial support for school activities, Croxley Danes School may provide a 16-19 bursary if your gross annual household income is below £34,900. Proof of entitlement could include a P60.
Those in the Low priority group will be considered for funding based on the school’s allocation and are subject to available funding after those in the Medium priority groups have been awarded. Payments will be subject to review by the Director of Sixth Form Studies and Senior and Lead Finance Officer. If you think you are eligible for this bursary, please complete the application form at
An online application for Bursary must be completed by 30th September including the requirement to upload financial evidence relating to the bursary application.
Proof of income
Proof of income evidence will be required to support this application and could include:
● Certified letter from the Local Authority regarding Free School Meals
● Certified letter from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
● P60
● Self-Employment Income evidence
● Universal Credit award notices (3 most recent)
The Director of Sixth Form Studies and the Senior and Lead Finance Officer will review the applications for Medium and Low Priority. Students who are deemed eligible should be aware that to continue to receive bursary funding:
● There must be no unauthorised absences during the school day and students must maintain an attendance level above 95%.
● Students must maintain acceptable levels of behaviour and effort i.e. not be raised as an issue in the data collection points for reporting.
As funds are limited, students will be granted payments according to their Priority and then the date of the application on a first-come-first served basis. Any appeals against decisions can be made to the Headteacher.
Awarding of funds
Students who are awarded discretionary bursary funding (medium or low priority) will receive guidance regarding their allocation of funds. Students must have a bank account in their own name in order to be eligible. Block, blanket or flat rate payments are no longer permitted, as the Education and Standards Funding Agency demands that the bursary award should reflect the actual costs the student has, using a clear evidence-based system.
Once a student has been notified that they have a bursary award, they can use their Bursary account login to apply for funding for specific items or to upload receipts for specific costs. Each request is subject to separate approval from authorising staff within the school. Individual requests or receipts for items such as educational equipment or text books, or contributions to transport costs or school trips for students holding a bursary award would usually be approved, subject to reaching the individual student award limit.