
Pastoral Help & Advice


At Croxley Danes, we believe that positive emotional wellbeing and mental health are crucial to enable students to feel happy both in themselves and at school. When students enjoy positive mental health and wellbeing, they are better able to realise their own potential, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully and make a contribution to their wider community.

To this end, we have an active programme in place through Personal Development that focuses on aspects such as resilience, keeping safe online, developing a ‘protective layer’, bullying and mental wellbeing to name but a few. 

However, whilst we encourage all students to feel comfortable in approaching their parent,  form tutor, Head of Year or any member of staff, we understand that sometimes this may be something they feel unable to do. In such cases, there are a number of support websites and phone numbers published in each student planner which may prove helpful. In addition to this, we have attached below a Hertfordshire approved ‘Signposting Guide’ which has further advice and support available for a whole range of topics such as:

  • Addiction
  • Bereavement
  • Education and Employment
  • Family Support
  • Sex, Sexuality and Gender
  • Mental Health- Counselling, Eating, Self Harm, Suicidal Thoughts
  • Money


At Croxley Danes School, we recognise the importance of a positive relationship between parents and the school in supporting the holistic development and success of our students. Young people face great challenges in navigating the world around them and are exposed to a variety of experiences and/or emotions that can prove overwhelming. Therefore, we aim to provide parents with supportive resources that focus on topics and issues that are relevant to young people today.

Below is information for parents and carers that may be useful on how to support your child with tools, information and webinars. This page will be updated regularly with information and relevant support for latest issues that may be concerning your child.


The popularity and use of e-cigarettes and vapes has increased in recent years, and schools are seeing a rise in usage amongst teenagers. The UK charity Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) found that 11.2% of 11 – 17 years olds in the UK tried vaping in 2021.

Although it is seen to be a healthier alternative to smoking, e-cigarettes and vapes contain nicotine which is a highly addictive substance. In October 2015, it became illegal to sell e-cigarettes and vapes to under 18 year olds, and for an adult to purchase them on behalf of an under 18 year old.

The long-term health risks are unknown, and it is felt that vaping can encourage young people to try smoking and other drugs. Click here for more information.

Students caught vaping or with vaping equipment risk being sanctioned as outlined in our Behaviour Policy and Drug and Alcohol Policy.

Attendance: Emotionally Based School Avoidance

School attendance is paramount for your child’s development and progress in a variety of ways, including academic success, socialisation, developing resilience, and employability to name a few. For some young people, school attendance can be affected by high levels of anxiety.

At the bottom of this page in the page download section where you can download a resource that Hertfordshire County Council have preparedt that can help to support parents of children who are anxious about attending school.

Young Minds is a charity fighting for young people's mental health. You can access the parents helpline and webchat below

Young Minds Parent Helpline and webchat

how to talk to your teenager about the invasion of Ukraine

Mental Health First Aid Training

One Day Champion Course for parents and carers of 8-18 year olds free training 09:30-16:00. 

What you will learn:

  • An understanding of common mental health issues and how they can affect young people
  • Ability to spot signs of mental ill health in young people and guide them to a place of support
  • Knowledge and confidence to advocate for mental health awareness
  • Skills to support positive wellbeing


Online for Mums, Dads, Step-parents and carers

 Evenings – Mondays 15 May – 10 July 7.00pm – 9.00pm - 

please click here for course poster…

Mornings – Thursdays 20 April - 15 June 9.30am – 11.30am -

please click here for course poster…

Online for Dads, Step-dads and male carers:

Evenings - Thursdays 4 May - 29 June 7.00pm - 9.00pm - 

please click here for course poster…

Broxbourne for Mums, Dads, Step-parents and carers

Mornings – Thursdays 27 April - 22 June 9.30am – 11.30am at Wormley Community Classroom, Wormley Primary School, EN10 6QA - 

please click here for course poster…

For all enquiries for the Broxbourne course please ring Tel. 01992 303331 Option 5

For all online course enquiries and to make a referral email

Please click here for our parent registration form…

Supporting Families with Protective Behaviours for Dads

The dates are: Thursdays 7.00pm – 9.00pm, 4 May – 29 June  (excluding half-term)

The course can help Dads:

  • Understand the links between Feelings, Thoughts and Behaviour
  • Understand what may be influencing their child’s behaviour
  • Respond to a range of feelings e.g., stress, anger, anxiety and worries
  • Improve communication and build better relationships
  • Build their your own and their child’s strengths
  • Learn strategies to help them and their family feel safe and have problem-solving skills for life

Please click here for the poster…

Please click here for our parent registration form…

The HCT Children’s Wellbeing Practitioners regularly run a variety of workshops focused on child and adolescent emotional wellbeing and mental health. Some workshops are for the parents/carers of primary school aged children and others are directed at adolescents although parents can also attend these. The workshops aim to provide support, guidance, some strategies and tips to support child and adolescent mental health.

The workshops are free to attend and currently take place on Microsoft Teams. The workshops available can be found on the Children’s Wellbeing Practitioners Eventbrite page, where you can also find out more information about what the workshop will cover and book a place.


Page Downloads File Size  
Emotionally Based School Avoidance 582.67 KB Download
Herts Mental Health Workshop Advice and... 124.89 KB Download
What is a Mental Health Support Team? 464.09 KB Download
Parent/Carer Guide to Initial Assessment 520.64 KB Download
Young Person's Guide to Initial Assessme... 583.07 KB Download
Worry Management 552.32 KB Download
Panic Management 547.39 KB Download
Graded Exposure 559.99 KB Download
Brief Behavioural Activation 620.3 KB Download
Helping with Fears and Worries 492.37 KB Download
Promoting Positive Behaviour 629.62 KB Download
Supporting Links Referral Form 2025 194.21 KB Download