

This section of our school website is intended for students, parents, teachers and employers wanting to find out more about our Careers Education programme. 

Vision Statement

At Croxley Danes School, our Careers Education and Information and Guidance Programme seeks to inspire all students to have the highest expectations about the careers they might enter. 

Preparing students for their future lives beyond school is an integral part of everything we do, from achieving the best qualifications possible to developing skills and confidence. 

This means that all students, and parents, should be made aware of all their options as they progress through school. While qualifications remain very important, with few exceptions, they are no longer the only consideration. We recognise that employability or work-readiness is becoming more and more important when potential employers’ look for people to fill vacancies.

Whether students progress on to further or higher education, or skilled employment, our ultimate goal is that students make a significant contribution to society and achieve lifelong wellbeing in their careers. 


Page Downloads File Size  
Careers Strategy Provider Access Stateme... 197.95 KB Download
Talking Futures Careers Presentation 1.96 MB Download