Students turn teachers in REPS
Danes Student Journalist, Yousuf Sayed 8S, reports ...
Before the Christmas break, Ibtissem Taghrest, Ajara Jagne, Laiyba Rashid and I taught our class, 8S, a lesson on the Five Pillars of Islam in our REPS lesson. The lesson was successful and Snells enjoyed it, so we volunteered to teach this lesson to the other Year 8 classes.
Ibtissem and I taught Jaggerts, Laiyba and Ajara taught Gonville, and all of us taught Cassiobridge.
It was fun teaching people about my religion, Islam, but it takes quite a lot of bravery to get up in front of a whole class and teach.
Cameron Brooks said it was a really amazing experience being taught by a fellow peer and that it adds some excitement to the lesson.
We had a great time teaching - it was a memorable experience. Thank you to Mrs Cox for letting us teach and helping out with our lessons.