New Year Group's First Day
We were delighted to welcome 180 new Year 7 students to Croxley Danes on Tuesday 4th September when they became the first children to step foot inside our newly refurbished temporary home in Tolpits Lane.
The day began by many of them arriving courtesy of the Mullanys coach service and being shown upstairs to the main school hall. Thereafter, Mrs Brewer, Head of Year 7 & 8 and Ms Ridge, Deputy Headteacher, organised them into forms and explained how the day would work. With the smell of freshly baked croissants wafting through from the canteen next door (have a look at the photos below to see what you missed!) the students then either went with their form tutor for a tour around the building, or stayed put for a kit check. With an assembly, break and lunch time out of the way, students also got to grips with log ins for the computer system and took part in ice-breaker activities with their form.
All in all, it was an incredibly successful day and our students made a fantastic first impression on all the staff.