St Clement Danes students train in Lanzarote
Trips and visits will be part of the extra-curricular life at Croxley Danes, with some modelled on successful annual events at SCD. Over the Easter holidays, St Clement Danes staff members travelled with forty students to Club La Santa, Lanzarote on 31st March for the annual St Clement Danes Sports camp. Sports enthusiasts, comprising of twenty girls and twenty boys from Years 8 to 10, attended the camp, training in track and field events during their stay. Students also improved their swimming techniques and attended a number of exercise sessions, including body combat classes.
Each day started early with breakfast being held at 7.30am. This was followed by a full day of sports activities which ended at 7pm each evening. Students and staff were then able to relax after dinner, having taken part in such action packed days!
The group returned on 7th April, ready to put their improved sporting skills to good use for the summer term's sports calendar.