Baldwins Lane Update for Students
Earlier this month, Richard Ramsdale, the project manager for Kier responsible for delivering our new building, came to speak to the student body in a fascinating assembly. Richard, who is now a familiar face to local shopkeepers on Baldwins Lane, entertained students and staff with stories about how the site has been developed over the past 12 months or so. Students were also shown up to date photographs of the inside of the site which can be seen in the slide show here. In the early days, Richard described how strict conservation laws meant that wildlife had to be safeguarded - including the careful moving of a colony of badgers. And how, you may well ask, do you move a badger? The answer, as our students can now tell you, is to use their favourite food - peanut butter! Many thanks to Richard for his informative and interesting talk. We can't wait to move in!