Bugsy Malone - the inaugural CDS school production
This week saw our first ever school production - Bugsy Malone - and those who had tickets to this fantastic show were in for a treat – and the odd bit of shaving foam if they were sitting in the front row! Sixty-six students took part in this spectacular performance and, with convincing New York accents, superb acting from the entire cast and more splurge guns than have been seen this side of the Atlantic, they entertained audiences of staff, students and relatives for three nights. At the end of the final night on Friday, Mr Thompson paid tribute to the work of the school’s one performing arts teacher, Ms Elliott, who has masterminded the whole show and worked tirelessly with the cast and crew over many months. Both she, Mr Thompson and all the staff are so proud of all of the students involved and delighted to see them showing the sheer joy of performing. As parents on the school’s PA Facebook page remarked, the camaraderie amongst the cast and crew was clear to see. Many thanks to Mrs May from St Clement Danes who helped during the week and to Mr Sullivan, one of our peripatetic music teachers, who played in the band. We were also delighted to welcome many of our new staff who came along to see the production; Mr Evans, who will join us in the Performing Arts Faculty, was especially welcome as he also gave up his time to join the band for the entire week’s shows! Thank you to all the staff who helped to make this such a special event in the school’s short history and congratulations to the talented cast who will go down in the school’s archives as being part of the first of many such productions.
Please click below to be taken to the image gallery where you can find all the photographs taken at the final night of the performance: