Kew Gardens 2019
Evie Lloyd, 7D, writes about her experience ...
On Monday the 24th June, my school and I went to Kew Gardens. At around 9am, we left our school building and got on our coaches to take us to Kew. Once we had arrived, we then went to the Tree top walk. The tree top walk was more of a fun activity, so you didn’t really learn much from it. Even though you didn’t learn much from the tree top walk, you saw an amazing overview of Kew. You could see all the greenhouses and the wildlife and plants. Once we had finished at the tree top walk, we then headed off to the Princess of Wales conservatory. On our way, we saw a few of the glass sculptures that are around Kew. We arrived at the conservatory. As soon as you walk in, you can feel the heat on your skin. To make up for the heat, you can see amazing plants and flowers surrounding you. In this greenhouse there are different zones with different climates in each one, which means there were different temperatures and plants in each zone. Once we had been in each of the zones, we then made our way to the hive. The hive is like a massive beehive but instead of there being bees in there, it is like the people who go in are the bees. This activity didn’t take us much time as it was just a lower floor and a higher part, not being very big. After everyone had finished looking around the hive, we then went to have lunch. We all had some money to buy some sweets or an ice cream. We then had one more activity to do after lunch, and that was to go to the Palm House. This greenhouse was by far the hottest one of all. All the plants were from very warm countries which would have been the reason that the greenhouse was so warm (otherwise the plants and trees wouldn’t have been able to grow). We quite quickly finished in the Palm house as it was getting very hot and not many people could bear the heat for much longer. We then made our way back to the coaches that took us to Kew. Sadly, our day at Kew was quickly coming to an end! All of us had one of the best days in a long time as we got to spend the day in nature, weather mainly man made (for example the greenhouses) or natural (for example the plants and trees that we saw walking around Kew). As we got on the coach it felt like 10 minutes later, we were back at school again and we were ready to go home. Overall, I really enjoyed my time at Kew, and I would recommend it to anybody looking for a day out in nature. I would go back again, and I know that I would enjoy myself just as much I did this time!
Thank you for reading and I hope that I have encouraged you to take a trip to Kew Gardens soon!