Feeling Good Week
The week before half term Croxley Danes School took part in the all Hertfordshire wide initiative of Feeling Good Week, which encourages schools and the wider community in raising awareness of mental health and showing where support can be accessed within the community - especially for children and young people.
A variety of activities were put on during the week for students and teachers alike, such as Kindness Tickets which were given out to those who had demonstrated an act of kindness to another member of the school community. Students who received more than two tickets were awarded an early lunch on the first day back after the half term break.
Two students, Ayush and Leonor, have submitted the following articles, explaining how they felt the week impacted on themselves and their peers:
What words does ‘feeling good’ remind you of? Kind, happy, joyful. This is exactly why we had feeling good week at Croxley Danes School. We had to be kind to one another and feel happy. It was also the last week of the term so we should have felt happy.
Each day of the week had its own theme, for example, one day was to be active, therefore, we did exercises during our form time. I found out that doing exercise makes you feel really positive (especially when you are doing it with other people). Also, if the teacher saw that someone was being kind to another person, they would get a Kindness Ticket. If anyone received two or more throughout the week, they would be allowed to go to lunch time earlier than everyone else. In my personal opinion, we shouldn’t need tickets to show kindness. We should be kind to one another all the time, without having to be rewarded for it.
Kindness makes a huge difference to communities and makes the world a happier place.
By Ayush, Year 8
Croxley Danes celebrated Kindness Week on the week before half term.
During this week, students were encouraged to be extremely kind to teachers, friends and staff. If our kindness gesture was recognized as sincere, we were given a kindness ticket and if we were lucky enough to win two, we were allowed to an early lunch.
We talked about the importance of being kind during assembly and form time. This made me realize that if we are kind to one another on a daily basis, we can win so much more than an early lunch. Being kind to others is the beginning of friendships and new relationships based on true values that will guide us in life.
By Leonor, Year 7