WBD 2021 Competition Winners
Early last month students and teachers at Croxley Danes School celebrated World Book Day despite the challenges posed by remote learning at the time. Two authors 'visited' KS3 students to answer questions from the students, and share their journeys into writing and experiences of being best-selling authors. Students also participated in a range of creative activities and several competitions related to books and reading, from painting scenes from literature, making models out of recyclable paper rolls, recording poetry and playing music from films made from books. Winning creations are now on display in the new library which is being used by students daily and a list of the winners are announced in the gallery below.
Mrs Rovira, school librarian and judge of the World Book Day competitions, commented “It was marvellous seeing the number and quality of entries, it was extremely difficult to choose the winners as all of the students displayed such enthusiasm and talent. Furthermore, it has been wonderful to watch the library become a vibrant and welcoming space for our students. It’s fantastic to see this beautiful space full of excited and keen readers!”