Students Complete DoE Bronze Expedition
On the 19th and 20th June 110 Croxley Danes Duke of Edinburgh (DoE) students participated and completed their Bronze DoE practice expedition. Students were split into two groups, one group completed a 20km walk around Batchwood, Mill End and the aquadrome, whilst the other half stayed in school and learned camp craft skills such as how to use the Trangia stoves, putting up tents, the basics of first aid and planning routes for their qualifying expedition. The groups then swapped around for the second day.
Fortunately for both parties the weather also held, with only a small shower on the Sunday morning!
Miss Northridge, the school’s DoE Lead, wanted to express her gratitude to all the parents and staff who volunteered to help, especially Mr Murphy, Miss Brun-Orejas, Miss Davies, Ms Green, Mr Hacket, Miss Marsh and Mr Evans.
The students are really looking forward to the qualifying expedition which is due to take place in September.
The DoE programme allows young people to gain essential skills and attributes for work and life. More information can be found at their website www.dofe.org