Clean Air Day
Thursday 16th June was Clean Air Day and to mark the occasion we were very fortunate to welcome Hannah Battram from the organisation 'Global Action Plan' who led a workshop for a group of Croxley Danes and Little Green students from Year 5-9. In the build-up to the day, the students from both schools collected data on school travel choices, traffic outside the school, air quality and idling of cars. During the workshop they then analysed the data and identified priority actions for the future. The students were interested to learn that air quality was higher inside buildings than it was outside, and they agreed that taking steps to reduce car traffic to schools was a key priority. At Croxley Danes, the students felt that there was a need to expand the bike sheds to encourage more children to cycle to school and that parents needed more reminders to switch off engines in the school car park.
We were delighted to see Little Green School championing the campaign by appearing on CBBCs Newsround where they discussed what can be done to tackle air pollution in the local area. You can watch the report here: Clean Air Day 2022: Air pollution impacts the whole body says charity - CBBC Newsround
Well done to all of our students who attended the workshop. It made for very interesting discussion and talking points that have been put forward for consideration.