Feeling Good Week...
As the January blues begin to fade away, we’re delighted that that we were able to participate in Feeling Good Week that ran in school this week (6th-10th February). Feeling Good Week is a Hertfordshire-wide event that encourages schools and the wider community to promote children and young people’s emotional wellbeing by raising awareness of mental health and showing where support can be accessed within the community.
The aim of the initiative is to help make children and young people in Hertfordshire feel good by running special projects to boost emotional and mental wellbeing. Each day during lunchtime or in lessons a variety of activities will be taking place including journalist club, gardening, origami, meditation, a variety of mental health & wellbeing workshops and a positivity tree was positioned at the heart of the school in the LRC. Students will also have the opportunity to send thank you cards to peers and teachers as well as to the local care home.
Each day focused on one of the 5 ways of wellbeing which are listed below:
MONDAY - Connect with other people
TUESDAY - Connect with being Active
WEDNESDAY - Connect with your surroundings - Take notice
THURSDAY - Connect with Learning something new
FRIDAY - Connect with Giving
We would love to hear from our students on how they engage with the ‘5 ways of wellbeing’ through their extra-curricular activities either at school or further afield. Please share with us by contacting enquiries@croxleydanes.herts.sch.uk