National Careers Week at Croxley Danes
This week (6th - 10th March 2023) Croxley Danes celebrated National Careers Week with two inspiring talks from industry figures.
On Tuesday 8th March, award-winning consumer public relations expert Graham Goodkind, founder and chairman of Frank PR agency gave a talk to Year 12 about his career in the world of marketing and communications. He's worked with a range of huge brands from Compare the Market to Innocent Smoothies to bring imagination and creativity to their campaigns to increase awareness.
Graham talked through his career route from secondary school to completing a vocational course at college, before trying a number of different workplaces before eventually finding the challenge of making a creative impact and solving problems for companies' PR campaigns - the perfect profession for him.
One of his most successful campaigns, recently in 2021, was starting an international debate about whether his client Weetabix can be served with baked beans - even ending up with it being commented on in Parliament.
Graham also spoke about the value of getting work experience - it can teach you what you don't want to do as much as what you want to do, and can lead to unexpected opportunities.
Graham took questions and left the students with some top tips - play to your strengths (don't be a jack of all trades and master of none) and build teams that play to individual strengths; Be better not perfect; "If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life"; making your own luck by practising harder; never take no for an answer.
This opportunity was made available thanks to our collaboration with the Speakers for Schools charity.
On Thursday 10th March, apprentice of the year Colette Dolan and Josephine Corcoran of Watford Community Housing Trust spoke to both Year 11 and Year 8 about local apprenticeship opportunities.
They planted a seed with our students about the many benefits of choosing a post-16 or post-18 apprenticeship in their organisation.
Roles cover a broad range, from communications and finance to electrical and plumbing, and allow entrants to 'earn while you learn' - starting apprenticeship salaries on post-16 Level 3 positions from from £20k. For more details contact HR@wcht.org.uk.
This talk formed part of our response to the new Provider Access Legislation, which challenges schools, colleges and businesses to increase opportunities for meaningful interactions with local apprenticeship and independent training providers.