Charities Week 2017
In this last week of school before the Christmas holidays, Croxley Danes students threw themselves into the phenomenon which is a St Clement Danes Charities Week. This annual event begins with a re-run of the Carol Service for all students and staff. Once this is over, Charities Week begins - a few days of organised fun co-ordinated by the Sixth Form Charities Prefects and funded by generous parents and staff. At lunch on Monday, students were able to enjoy a Christmas dinner before enjoying the other treats on offer: an "Elf" Auction, a mince pie eating competition, student versus teacher dodge ball, sixth form students "kidnapping" lessons, tuck shops held at break times, uniform stickers, selling donuts and bleacher tickets and nail painting. Last year, the Charities committee raised more than £10,000 and it is hoped that a similar amount will be raised this year.
Two popular events are the annual staff flash mob and the Sixth Form Revue, neither of which disappointed. Shamelessly advertising this year's production, Grease, the staff put on their own version, with Dr Valentine in her last week as Headteacher of St Clement Danes bringing the house down as Sandy. The week ended with the Sixth Form Revue - a light-hearted series of skits carefully co-ordinated and filmed during preceding weeks.
It was fantastic to see our students taking part and doing their bit to raise an enormous amount for charity. Well done to them all ... and Happy Holidays!