Building set to start at Baldwins Lane
A 'breaking ground' ceremony, held last week at the site in Baldwins Lane, brings ever closer the moment when we will start to see our brand new building taking shape. Mr Thompson, accompanied by Executive Headteacher, Dr Valentine, marked the start of the building work by digging a ceremonial first turf and was then presented with an engraved spade to have on display at the school. The afternoon's proceedings started with a visit by the site's falconer. He showed the assembled visitors how he has been using his harris hawk to prevent birds from nesting in the trees which were due to be felled. As you can see from the photographs below, Dr Valentine was able to have a particularly close view of the magnificent bird in question. A number of representatives from Kier, the main contractor, were joined by the Project Lead from the Education and Skills Funding Agency, Chris Borderick, who has been working with Mr Thompson on the development of the school for a number of years, now. The picture above shows, from left to right, Terry James, Chair of Governors, Chris Borderick, Dr Valentine, Mr Thompson, and Robin Steele, Pre-construction Director for Kier Southern. We are very grateful to all those who have helped in any way to get us to this stage - it is not long now until we will be able to post photographs of the building itself being constructed.