Year 7 Travel Show
Over the course of this half term, Year 7 have been participating in a ‘Travel Show’ project linked to their learning about tourism in Geography. The task involved working individually or as part of a team to choose a country which they then had to market to potential tourists. The first round of the competition was held in form groups with each form putting forward a winner for the final.
In the final, each team set up their Travel Show ‘stand’ and were given time to promote their destination to the judging panel made up of Mr Thompson, Miss Patterson and Mrs Cox.
It was fantastic to see the effort put into this by our Year 7s who demonstrated skills of research, presentation, creativity and oracy.
The winning presentations were Jess in 7C who was promoting her home country of Romania, and River, Elen and Elise in 7D who were promoting Hawaii.
Well done to all involved!