Speakers for Schools talk to Year 12 by Chris Gentle: What makes a successful life?
On Tuesday 1st November, we welcomed our first ever guest speaker for a Sixth Form Speakers for Schools talk.
Chris Gentle is a senior business advisor and entrepreneur who was the first in his family to go to university. He has worked for some of the biggest companies in the City of London and in over 40 countries.
He gave a really interesting talk to our students asking them what is a successful life? Is it chasing the big house and successful career? Is having well developed friendships that stand the test of time? How can your motivation towards your goals increase your ‘luck’ and life chances?
In the last five years, Chris has focused his career on energy and education. Both are now subject to global competition on a scale bigger than ever before. He reflected on the amount of job opportunities that will arise from energy transition from fossil fuels to green energy in the coming years, and on his forthcoming visit to the COP27 climate change conference in Egypt.
He gave the students the message: “you’re in a fantastic school - make the most of it!”
With thanks to the fantastic Speakers for Schools charity for arranging this opportunity.