
Enrichment Week at Croxley Danes

During our last week of term, students have been participating in a wide variety of activities at school and beyond for this year’s Enrichment Week, a week that is aimed at providing students with a range of opportunities to enrich the curriculum. Highlights have included three foreign residential trips, including one to Cambodia, 10 day trips, a summer concert, including a special performance to residents of a local care home, a huge range of careers related experience including work shadowing and work experience and an inaugural Croxley Danes ‘Race for Life’ event in which Year 9 raised over £1500 for Cancer Research UK

We are incredibly grateful to all of our staff who have organised and supported with activities at the end of a very busy term.

We’d also like to thank parents and carers for supporting us by helping to make sure students knew what to wear and bring on each day and for those of you that have sponsored students in the Race for Life. If you’d still like to make a donation to Cancer Research UK you can do so via this link.


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