First annual Spelling Bee takes place
Danes Student Journalist, Yousuf Sayed (7S) reports ...
On 25th January 2018, some brave individuals took part in the first ever Croxley Danes Annual Spelling Bee. Everyone was very excited and nervous. They were called out one by one and put on the spot to spell a word verbally. The words started off easy, like ‘women’ and ‘permit’, but then it got much harder, like ‘advantageous’, and ‘chrysanthemum’. If someone got a word wrong, they would be eliminated, but if they got it right, they could move on to the next round. In the finals, there were only three contestants left: Jack, Liam and Ibtissem, all in 7 Snells. They all stood up and were given a word; if they spelt it correctly they could carry on spelling, but if they got it wrong, they would have to sit down while the others spelt. In third place was, Liam, in second place, Ibtissem and, finally, in first place, was Jack! Liam said ‘It was quite terrifying, having everyone watching my every move.’ Jack was slightly nervous in the finals because he didn’t know what type of words were coming up but managed to brave it by winning. Lots of thoughts were going through Ibtissem’s head, she remembers: ‘Like, "I can do this! Give it all your best!" I only had positive thoughts, to believe in myself, however, I still was nervous and I could feel the tension every time it got closer to my turn.’ Everyone did exceptionally well and had a blast. Congratulations to every one who participated!