Spirited Arts Competition 2020
Earlier this month Croxley Danes students took part and entered the Spirited Arts ‘Art in Heaven’ competition 2020 where they had to create their entry based on one of the five following themes, God’s good earth?, Inspiring! Holy Words!, Where is God? and Picturing Faith.
This competition is now in its 13th Year having started in 2004 and open to schools worldwide. The competition starts at the beginning of every school year and runs through to the 31st July, in order to enable teachers to incorporate the art competition into their RE lessons. Many schools have an ‘Art in Heaven’ unit of work, or a special learning RE/arts week.
All entries are sent to NATRE, National Association of Teachers of Religious Education and subsequent winners are announced in the new academic year.
Please see the some of the fantastic pieces in the gallery below as created and submitted by the talented students from 9C. We wish them the very best of luck with their entries!