#30 Days Wild
Earlier this month, Mrs Cox (Humanities Coordinator), launched the #30DaysWild challenge for Croxley Danes School. It is an annual nature challenge encouraging people do one 'wild thing' every day throughout the month of June, whether that be for your health, well-being or for the planet.
Students and colleagues have been participating and sharing their exciting and wonderful activities on the Humanities twitter account @cdshumanities and #30dayswild.
Our teachers have also shown how they have been participating in the challenge. Mrs Cox showed some of her favourite places to visit nature in the local area, Mrs Patteson saw rabbits burrowing in her local woods and Mr Murphy saw some wonderful water life on the Grand Union canal.
Some of our students have also showcased their activities, Kitty in Year 8 produced some lovely nature themed art work and Robbie in Year 8 spotted a fox close by in his garden. We look forward to seeing what else is spotted by our enthusiastic nature lovers during the remainder of the month.
Further information on the challenge can be found on http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/30dayswild