Summer Reading Challenge
At Croxley Danes School we encourage all our students to read regularly and widely. Reading for pleasure is at the heart of success, not only significantly contributing to academic success at school but also because language and literacy provide us with the building blocks for fulfilling careers and rewarding lives in the future. To encourage children to continue their reading journeys beyond the end of the school term, Mrs Broadis, Literacy and Oracy Coordinator, has led and coordinated a Summer Reading Challenge for each year group, including for our new students who will be joining Croxley Danes School in September.
We are also delighted to be partnering with Chorleywood Bookshop who are hosting our reading lists on their website and are offering to donate a percentage of all Croxley Danes sales to help support the development of our new library. Please find the reading lists here: https://chilternbookshops.co.uk/croxley-danes-school/. We are looking forward to hearing about the books that students read, and displaying their Challenge work in our new school in September!
“Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.” Mason Cooley