Virtual Sports Day
Croxley Danes School successfully held their first Virtual Sports Day this term. All students from the six different houses were encouraged to participate, to ensure their form was given the best chance of winning. The more events the students participate in, the more sports day points their individual house accumulated.
The PE faculty, led by Mr Murphy, put together a mixture of traditional activities, non-traditional activities and some unusual challenges such as the forehead penny drop, for the students in place of their timetabled weekly PE lessons. Form tutors wore their respective house colours and also sent encouraging messages through the CDS twitter feed to inspire and motivate all their students.
The winners for each year group are listed below. We are delighted to announce the overall winners were Cassiobridge – well done! We are also extremely proud of all our students who took part and participated in the event.
Year 7: 7 Cassiobridge
Year 8: 8 Gonville
Year 9: 9 Jaggerts