Modern and Foreign Languages (MFL) Club
Last term our Year 7 students from the MFL club worked hard across multiple cross cultural themes. The students were introduced to the well-known 20th Century French artist Henri Matisse and created some wonderful Matisse inspired pictures, displayed in the gallery below.
In early December the students learnt about Christmas traditions in France, where they decorated cards and did French Christmas colouring.
The Lyon festival of lights, also known as the Fête des lumieres, is an international festival dating back to 1852 where residents of Lyon placed candles in their window sills to celebrate the installation of the Virgin Mary on Fourvière Hill. Students were encouraged to design and produce their own light displays to represent the festival.
Students learnt about Día de los muertos, ‘The Day of the Dead’, a catholic festival which is associated with All Souls Day, by colouring in the Day of the Dead skulls. Students learnt about the significance of the festival in remembering and praying for those who have died.
Finally, attached is a review by one of the students on attending MFL club, “...it was amazing, and if you have an opportunity to go, definitely give it a go….”. Thank you to the teachers for making this club so enjoyable and interesting for the students.