Year 7 Croxley Danes Student Plays for Watford FC Academy
We are extremely proud of our talented and inspirational Year 7 Student Ty, who currently plays for Watford FC Academy. Ty has written the following article on his exciting experience with the Academy – we wish Ty all the best with his football career.
‘It all began when I was playing at the PDC (Player Development Centre) at Watford. It is a program that brings together the best unsigned talent in the local area. In the PDC I was fortunate enough to play with players in the year above and after being there for a season I had my review which was excellent. It was also a big challenge, but I made sure I worked my way forwards because I knew this is something I really wanted. One of the coaches approached my dad and said “We would like to put Ty forward for a trial at Watford Academy”, I was so pleased to hear this.
The following week while training at Watford Academy a coach came to watch me and offered me a two week trial at the Academy and that’s how my PDC went. I thoroughly enjoyed my first two weeks at the Academy, the coaches and the team made me feel very welcome. I then had another review which went really well. I had some targets which helped me, such as shooting with different parts of my foot and also passing, which I worked on outside the academy to make myself better. The next day my dad had an email from the Academy asking if I could go back on an official eight week trial, I was so excited!
My eight week trial started, which I loved, and I also started to play against some very good opposing teams, one being Arsenal where I scored my first two goals in a Watford shirt. I got to the seven and a half week mark and guess what… Covid-19 arrived. During lockdown I did lots of ball work with my dad to keep fit and focussed. Eventually I was asked back and my trial was extended for another eight weeks. Thankfully after my hard work in lockdown the Academy offered me a contract and wanted to sign me after 12 weeks (making me the longest player on trials ever). So that’s my story so far.
It has been a long journey, being on trial over a number of lockdowns, moving house, starting a new secondary school and training whilst remote learning at home. I am extremely proud of myself, in what I have achieved and looking forward to the rest of my journey as I know the best is yet to come.
Always try your best, never give up and always fight for your dreams. I believe that any person can achieve whatever they want if they put their mind to it.’