Review of the Year
Danes Student Journalist, Yousuf Sayed reports ...
A Year in the Life of a Croxley Student
NB scroll to the bottom for a slide show of our highlights
Historic Opening Day Finally Arrives
On 5th September 2017, our brand new school finally opened. Ibtissem Taghrest said she felt excited and couldn’t wait to experience the outcome of the new school. Mr Thompson was also excited, and had a great sense of satisfaction that all the detailed planning was coming together. He was slightly emotional as it was a very big day for him. This was the start of brand new outstanding school.
Boys Show Great Perseverance in First Football Match
On 14th September 2017, the Croxley Boys’ first football match took place. They were very resilient during the match. Harry Loshak, Harry Backhouse, Zack Boddy and Kian Dallas all felt nervous but excited, as it was their first ever match. They didn’t win the match against Francis Combe though, but they still enjoyed it.
Inaugural Whole School Photograph Takes Place
On 20th September 2017, the first ever school photograph took place. The whole school was gathered in the Barbirolli Hall for the school photo. The teachers were sitting on chairs at the front, and the students were standing in rows behind them for the picture.
Historic First Win for Boys’ Football Team
On 11th October 2017, the Croxley Boys’ Football Team won their first match. It was a big day for them as it was their first event. Finn Casselton and Alastair Mendy felt great about winning.
First Student Led Assembly Celebrates Diwali
19th October 2017 saw the first ever student-led assembly. It was on Diwali and the students learnt some very interesting facts. It was led by Jia Hirani and Dhara Thacker. Jia felt happy and proud about sharing her religion.
Student Union Reps Selected
On 31st October 2017, the Student Reps were selected. They are the people from the forms who organise events and fundraisers. Cameron Brooks was selected from 7Jaggerts. He was excited and enthusiastic.
Remembrance 2017
On 10th November 2017, the Croxley Danes Student were invited to a Remembrance Assembly. They listened to music, learnt some fascinating facts and held their silence. During the lead up, Poppy Pins were being sold to raise money.
Netball Team Make Great Progress
On 13th December 2017, the girls delivered an outstanding netball performance. Harriet Watson, one of the players, felt really happy that they were improving. It was great.
Inter-house Dance and Basketball
On 13th December 2017 the first inter house tournament took place. The boys were playing basketball against each other, while the girls were dancing. The winning form for the Boys’ Basketball was 7Snells and the winner for the Girls’ Dance was 7Jaggerts. But Mr Thompson declared the overall winner 7Snells. Tom Martin (7S) was exhilarated when Snells won the tournament. Holly Akers and Phoebe Salas said ‘It was an overwhelming but fun experience.’
First Carol Service for Croxley Danes
On 14th December 2017 the first ever Croxley Danes Student Carol Service took place. Some students applied to sing songs in a choir and practised them in Choir Club. After perfecting their songs, they performed them at a choir event in the evening.
Student Journalist Results Announced
On 18th December 2017, the Student Journalists were announced. Students sent entries of newsletters to Mrs E. Thompson, and she selected the people who she thought were good for the website. From 7Cassiobridge was Megan Cooney, from 7Gonvile was Lisa Sadchikova, from 7Jaggerts was Lola Lord, and from 7Snells was Yousuf Sayed. Over the year they wrote some intriguing articles.
Charities Week 2017
On 19th December 2017, Charities Week took place. Students could dress up, play games, ditch classes, and buy lots of goodies, throughout the week. It was amazing. Mia Thomas thought it was fun and exciting because we didn’t have to do many lessons. Everyone loved it.
First Win for Netball Team
On 17th January 2018, the Croxley Danes Girls’ Netball Team won their first match. It was a great victory for them. Grace Winny felt proud of herself for winning. They won against St. Michaels.
First Annual Spelling Bee Takes Place
On 30th January 2018, the first ever Spelling Bee took place. The words got progressively harder. The results were Jack Watson was first, Ibtissem Taghrest second and Liam Bishop-Gregs was third.
Croxley Danes Perform at Gym and Dance Display
On 7th December 2017 the first ever Croxley Danes Gym and Dance display took place. Lots of talented individuals performed at a display after school. Maria Godfrey was one of the skilled dancers that took part. It was great to see the different talents that students from the school had.
School’s First Charity Initiative Launched
On 1st March 2018, the school launched its first Charity Initiative. The charities we chose to support were Meningitis Now! and the Peace Hospice Care. It was organised by the Student Reps.
First Rugby Win for Croxley Danes Boys
On 6th March 2018, the Croxley Boys won their first Rugby Match. Josh Collins, one of the outstanding players, felt happy, but tired, when his team won. They won against The Reach Free School.
Keys to New Minibus Handed Over
On 12th March 2018, Croxley Danes got its first Minibus. The keys to the new minibus were given to Mr Thompson. Students thought that it was a great way to advertise the school, and that it would be great to use if any sports teams needed to go to any tournaments.
Boys Win Rugby Tournament
On 22nd March 2017, the Croxley Boys’ Rugby Team took part in a tournament. The match was against a lot of other schools. As well as that, it was their first ever tournament. The fact that they won the whole thing proved that they had tried their hardest. Jack Watson enjoyed the tournament.
Inaugural Performance of Croxley Danes Choir Takes Place
On 28th March 2018, the Croxley Danes Choir had their first ever public performance. They sang Lean On Me. They were quite nervous about it being their first one, but the applause lifted them up.
Student Help Select New Deputy Head for the School
On 28th March 2018, some of the Croxley Danes students helped select a Deputy Head for the school. Layla Munday, one of the selected students, felt excited but intrigued by what she had to do. The new Deputy Head for the school was Miss Ridge.
Lead Up to Charities Day
On 27th April 2018, the Croxley Danes students had a chance to see the St Clement Danes Year 8 students running a similar day of activities. They played games like throwing a water balloon to hit a teacher, and bought sweets and snacks like doughnuts. This got Ryaan Zafar excited and determined to raise money for charity after seeing what they did.
Maths Challenge 2018
On 30th April 2018, the National Annual Maths Challenge took place. Some students who were exceptional at maths were selected to do a national test with some tricky maths questions. Joshua Jacob was one of the lucky people to be selected for the Maths Challenge.
Charities Day A Huge Success
On 14th May 2018, Croxley Danes had their first charity fundraiser. All the forms came up with different ways to raise money for Meningitis Now!, and the Peace Hospice Care. Haydn Wood enjoyed the event. The forms sold stuff like cakes, confectionery, milkshakes and teddies.
Creative Arts Evening
On 23rd May 2018, Croxley Danes had their first Creative Arts Evening. Some students danced for an audience. There was an excerpt from ‘Annie’, and some exceptional art was put on display. Laiyba Rashid was one of the talented actresses that took part in the Annie play, and made it through the audition.
Islam Assembly
25th May 2018 saw the Croxley Danes Islam Assembly, hosted by Ajara Jagne, Ibtissem Taghrest, Laiyba Rashid and Yousuf Sayed. They explained different aspects of the religion and brought some props to show the other students some different religious items. It was great to learn about different cultures and beliefs.
National Geographer of the Year Competition
On 1st June 2018, the Geography department held a lunch time club for those who wanted to take part in Geography themed games and won prizes. At the end they were given sheets for the competition and instructions.
Noah Comes 2nd in Javelin at County Schools Championship
On 9th June 2018, Noah Harvey was nominated to take part in a County Schools Championship. He did a great job by coming 2nd. His throw of 33 meters was a personal best and was a great distance too.
Girls Run Race for Life
On 13th June 2018, Ella Rogers and Abbie Burns ran in the Race for Life Marathon. It was a 5k run and it was to raise money for Cancer Research UK.
Kew Gardens Visit
On Monday 18th June 2018, the whole school had a trip to Kew Gardens. It was a Geography Trip Led by Miss Sissons. Everyone enjoyed the activities, such as The Hive and The Treetop Walkway. There was iconic architecture and beautiful landscapes all over.
From Wednesday 27th June- 30th June 2018, the whole school went on a 4 day trip for a PGL to Devon. The place was called Barton Hall, and had thrilling activities like Zip-Wire, and Trapeze. There were also calmer activities like Swimming, and Buggy Building. There were other schools at the site, and we represented our school very well. It was amazing!!!
End Of The First Ever Year At Croxley Danes!!!
It has been an exciting and amazing first year at Croxley Danes. All the students had fun and enjoyed being part of a new school. The students had lots of exciting opportunities to be a part of, like Student Union, Student Panel, Kew Gardens, and PGL. We can’t wait for 2018-19.