House Coat of Arms Competition Winners
Danes Student Journalist, Yousuf Sayed, 8S, reports ...
Last half-term, Mrs Cox and Miss Northridge launched a Coat of Arms Competition. Students had to design a coat of arms, which is a shield like emblem, for their form by doing research about the history of their form's name. Around 52 entries were received from year 7 and 8, all up to high standards.
It was very hard judging the designs, but a decision had to be made. There were one or two winners in each form who will be listed in the form name’s alphabetical order:
Cassiobridge - Livia Dzianott and Katelyn Williams
Dickinson - Milly Murray
Gonville - Bibibella Mistretta
Jaggerts - Eloise G and Rio Garrido-Gonzalez
Mallets - Jarred Phillipson
Snells - Yousuf Sayed
The coat of arms was judged on two key elements; if it was aesthetically pleasing, and if there was any history that influenced the design.
Following the announcement of the winners, there was a meeting to decide an official style for the designs. So, over the course of the next couple of weeks, these students are going to be working together to come up with an official set of badges. Good job to those who won and those who participated and be sure to look out for the article on the official coat of arms...