Year 7 Present on SMSC Topics
Year 7 have been tasked with presenting to their forms in small groups on topics or current issues of interest to them this term. This takes place in Friday morning SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural) lessons. After their presentations, students then prepare 2 or 3 questions to get a class discussion going.
At the end of each term, each tutor group selects the best presentation and the presenter(s) become finalists to share their ideas in assembly. The winner on Monday was Bibibella from 7G who presented on whether fairytale characters are a true reflection of people in our society. Runner up was Joshua, representing 7S, on the topic of whether boys and girls should have access to the same school uniform i.e. shorts, skirts etc.
Well done to all the students who have spoken in front of their classes this term, some for the first time ever.