News from the Governing Board - July 2019
Welcome to the very first contribution to the website – and therefore Headlines - from the Croxley Danes Governing Board.
Firstly we would like to introduce you to the Governing Board chaired by Terry James and vice chair Judith Thorn, supported by our co-opted Governors Jonathan Bishop, Ian Casselton, Richard Fisher, Kathryn Hardwidge, Samantha Quill, Diana Rose and Carla Watson and parent Governor Denise Plociennik. We are fortunate to have a Board composed of several experienced school leaders alongside others with expertise in finance, buildings and premises management and communications. Please follow the link to the Governance section on the website to find out more about us https://www.croxleydanes.org.uk/689/governance .
The role of the Governing Board is to act in the best interests of the students, ensuring good conduct of the school and to promote high standards of educational achievement by:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, school ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the senior leadership team to account for delivery of educational performance of the school and its students as well as the performance management of staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school ensuring funds are appropriately spent
As a Governing Board we have been particularly excited this year to read about the frequent highlights and achievements of students at the school. There are too many to mention individually, but from participation in the District Athletics, to the presentation to Affinity Water by STEM students, or the Christmas and Summer music concerts, it is clear that there is a good culture of participation and sharing of success within Croxley Danes. A number of us were also fortunate enough to attend the recent production of Bugsy Malone which was not only a great performance and demonstration of what staff and students can achieve but also lots of fun too.
It would be remiss of us if we didn’t mention the developments in the new building which is progressing well; Terry was pleased to be invited to attend the topping out ceremony during the Spring term. The move to the permanent site is eagerly awaited by staff and students alike and we look forward to further updates in the next school year.
Finally, a word of thanks to Mr Thompson and all the staff. There are many challenges to establishing a new school, many of which are not apparent to the outside, and we are aware of how tirelessly the team work to achieve a positive learning environment filled with many different opportunities for all students. Although we are only at the end of our second year, Croxley Danes is already establishing its own identity and culture which is very tangible during our visits to the school. As a Board we are proud of the many achievements and milestones the school has already reached and would like to acknowledge this with our thanks to a dedicated team of teaching and support staff.
We look forward to our next school year and all the opportunities that this will bring, including welcoming our next cohort of year 7 students, and hope all staff, students and parents enjoy a well-earned summer break.