The Great Tudor Schools Festival Competition
Croxley Danes School were initially booked to attend and participate in the Great Tudor Schools Festival Competition at Hampton Court Palace earlier this month. The aim of the competition was to design a Tudor-inspired coat-of-arms which would represent our school through its creativity, originality and high-quality design. Unfortunately, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the festival and competition were cancelled.
Nonetheless some of our students were still inspired and spurred on to create their coat of arms which you can view in the picture gallery below. Mrs Cox, Humanities Coordinator, sent these to the communications team at Hampton Court Palace, who replied with the wonderful following statement,
“We shared your students’ beautiful Coats of Arms with our colleagues at Hampton Court Palace, our security team took the opportunity whilst the Palace is quiet to take a picture on the bridge with all your students’ work. We are sorry we were unable to welcome you to the Palace this academic year and hopefully we will see you and your students soon.”
Well done to all those who took part, we are very proud of our students in producing such creative designs to such a high standard. Mr Brown has also provided a 'virtual trip' via one of his Year 7 History lessons this term to ensure the students can still enjoy an interactive Tudor history tutorial.