Ninja Warriors
Year 9 students had an extremely exciting day involving activities at Ninja Warrior UK Adventure Park, Hollywood Bowl and Top Golf as part of their Activities Week.
The students wasted no time in throwing themselves into all the activities, from climbing the warped wall on the Ninja warrior course, to hitting some 'Tee'rific shots at the driving range, whilst also striking out at the bowling alley. It was brilliant to see so many smiles, teamwork and support from all those that got involved. Ms Davies, acting Head of Year 9, commented “I was very impressed in the way in which our students conducted themselves throughout the trip, they were respectful, well-mannered and enthusiastic. It was a great day had by all”.
Later in the week Year 9 also had the opportunity to take part in a two-hour Cagefit session with a club from the local community called RDX. The students were shown the basic movements of kicking and punching, with elements of pad work and fitness thrown in. The coaches were incredibly impressed with the students’ focus and commitment to the session, so much so that the school will look to develop links with the club during the next academic year.