Feeling Good Week…
During 7th – 11th February students took part in Feeling Good Week, a Hertfordshire-wide event that encourages schools and the wider community to promote children and young people’s emotional wellbeing by raising awareness of mental health and showing where support can be accessed within the community.
Students were given a daily menu of events, activities and tasks they could take part in which will relate to one of the 5 ways of well-being: Take notice, Give, Connect, Be Active and Keep Learning.
On Monday students focussed on mindfulness meditation during form time. Tuesday they were encouraged to give a helping hand, smile or a compliment throughout the day to staff and peers. Wednesday, we asked our students to talk to someone new, or someone you haven't spoken to in a while. Thursday was about being active so Mrs Cox organised a walk around the school with the environmental group and Mrs Platt held a yoga class during lunchtime for students to attend. Finally, Friday was all about keep learning – students were encouraged to learn something new about someone or learn new words in a different language.
On the topic of feeling good, we also hosted an optional drop in session at the start of this term for our year 7 students to attend at lunch time. It was hosted by a member of the ‘Services for Young People’ who spoke to our Year 7s about how they can feel good and help them learn new ways to be kind and speak positively about themselves as well as others. There was also discussion about helping them navigate their transition from primary to secondary school.