Students present at Croxley Green Parish Council Public Meeting
On Tuesday 10th May, 5 representatives from the Environment Group attended the Croxley Green Parish Council Public Meeting. They were asked to provide a summary of what we'd done as a school to look after the environment - they spoke about a wide range of measures from setting up paper recycling to building a bug hotel. The students spoke incredibly eloquently and received many compliments from the local councillors and attendees. They ended their speech by reminding the audience "Young people are the future, and even if the fault of climate change is not theirs, they can still play a pivotal role in how disastrous the effects can be." The students represented Croxley Danes incredibly well and we hope that the meeting will help us to further develop our links with local community representatives.
I just wanted to reiterate what was said on Tuesday evening, that the pupils of Croxley Danes were an absolute credit to both themselves and the school. All of the Councillors who attended were in total agreement and have asked me to pass on their thanks for them attending and comments about how well they did.
Cllr Susan Hughes, Croxley Green Parish Council