The Wiz Production: A Stunning Success!
Our much-anticipated whole-school production of The Wiz came to an end on Friday night after three incredible nights of sell-out performances. After weeks of dedicated preparation and rehearsals, the show was finally ready to be unveiled – and what a spectacular performance it was!
The Wiz, an adaptation of the classic The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, took to the stage with a dazzling display of talent. The production was a true testament to the hard work and creativity of our students. The stage was alive with outstanding performances in singing, acting, dancing, and even acrobatics, leaving the audience in awe.
Every student involved, whether performing on stage or working behind the scenes, played a vital role in making the show a resounding success. Their commitment and effort ensured that The Wiz will be remembered as one of our most memorable productions to date.
A special mention goes to our school therapy dog, Barney, who made a guest appearance as Toto during the final show, adding an extra touch of magic to the evening.
A huge bravo to all who contributed to making The Wiz a triumph. Well done!