Year 7 Student Reflections on Starting School
Starting school can be an exciting and daunting time all at once, especially more so after the lockdown period we have all experienced. Below we have some first-hand reflections from our budding Year 7 Journalists on how they felt when they started their new school this year.
Chloe B. 7C
My first day at school was nerve racking but very exciting. Croxley Danes is a very open school and because of Covid-19, one way systems and masks have been implemented. The one-way system was probably the most unbelievable thing but at the same time it is there to keep people safe and healthy.
My first impression of the school was, ‘Wow! This school is so big!” I couldn't wait to find my form room but I was quite nervous that my form tutor would be very strict, but I was very wrong. He is extremely nice and so are all the staff at Croxley Danes School. The staff are always willing to help their students out. We were shown around the school as it is a brand new building. I was very impressed with Croxley Danes’ sports facilities and how much they had to offer as I am quite a sporty person. We were guided to the canteen, which was completely different to what I had imagined - I couldn't believe how big it was! We had to do our fingerprints for the canteen lunch system and I found this quite fun.
I was very excited to go lessons as I like school. I have already made many new friends even though I’m quite shy when meeting new people. I was quite shocked at the amount of homework we were set on our second week of school as I didn't think there would be so much. I enjoy coming to school every day and seeing my friends and learning new things. I also quite enjoy the lunch menu. I have settled into the school extremely well and the subjects that I really like are Music, PE, History, Geography and Maths. I can’t believe I have already been at Croxley Danes school for seven weeks - it has gone by so quickly!
Lottie H. 7C
Hello, I am Lottie from 7C. I am going to explain how I felt starting Croxley Danes School this year. Initially it was difficult being in a brand new building amongst lots of people that I did not know. It also felt odd, transitioning from being the eldest in a school to the youngest. However, it did all turn around. I found my teachers were very kind and happy to help; so were the people in my form and year. I got used to wearing the masks around the building and as for the new building, I got used to walking around the one-way system too. Eventually I made friends, the clubs started and I got to know all the secondary information that I would need moving up from primary school. In addition, Croxley Danes is a great school and I am so happy that I am here. It might not have seemed like that when I was finding my feet but now that I have, everything's great!
Avi L. 7M
Over the course of the last one and a half months, I feel I have settled in fairly well at Croxley Danes School. On my nerve-racking first day, the staff members all helped us navigate our way around the school to our form lines outside, so no one was lost. There are also signs dotted about the building so it was very easy to locate our classrooms.
The approachable staff members and teachers have made it easier to talk about problems you might be having, and I personally think that is a great way to help students’ mental health and wellbeing, especially during the current worldwide pandemic.
As it is a brand-new building, all the equipment and facilities are new too, and are pristine and very clean.
The pupils in Year 7 are friendly and welcoming, so it has not been too difficult to socialise and strengthen my friendships during the first few weeks here. Finally, the cafeteria has delicious meat and vegetarian meal options, serving tasty biscuits and sandwiches as well daily.
In conclusion, my impression of Croxley Danes School so far has been great and I am so excited to continue being here for many more years to come.